She considered Him to be reliable and true.

Hello reader-friend


I hope you have been well and experiencing God in new ways, ways that change your life in the most unexpected ways.

So, over the last few days since my first blog post, I have been stressing and racking my brain about what to write next. I kept wondering if I would ever get any other blog post ideas, that maybe I wasn’t cut out for this, and that maybe I exhausted everything with the first post and had nothing more to offer. Then, on Monday morning as I was listening to a sermon by Jackie Hill Perry(p.s, you should really listen to her, she is such a great Bible teacher, I thank God for the way He uses her), she said something that the Lord used to minister to me, she said that ministry is not about us, it’s about Jesus, it’s about making Him known to others!!  And reader, it became so clear what God was communicating to me, this blog isn’t about me, the messages I write, are not about me…it’s all about Jesus, it has always been about Him and Him wanting to communicate to the one He loves, you, yes you and I can prove it to you, John 13:1 says in the amplified version; ‘Now before the Passover Feast, Jesus knew that His hour had come [and it was time] for Him to leave this world and return to the Father. Having [greatly] loved His own who were in the world, He loved them [and continuously loves them with His perfect love] to the end (eternally). ‘ I had started to make it all about myself while it is clearly about God and His bride(you and I).

So He corrected me, He showed me how He had blessed me with this blog as an opportunity for Him to work through me and reach out to you, and what a privilege that is, to be a vessel of God, to be used by Him, because I have constantly expressed that my life, everything that I am and everything that I have is not my own, I belong to Him. But friend, I still had the question, ‘What was I going to write about next?’ You see this is not the kind of blog where I can schedule what to write and when to do it…it’s all up to God and when we talk about something that He also wants me to share with you guys, or He gives me a revelation that is clearly meant for all of us, it’s about Him and His timing.

 As I am writing this, the Holy Spirit is reminding me of the verse in Philippians 1:6(AMP) that says; ‘I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. ‘ And because I wholeheartedly believe that this is my calling from God, that this blog is His, I believe that He is going to use it as He sees fit…I am just along for the ride, for I know and trust that He is completely and one hundred percent reliable. Let’s look over His track record, shall we? Some of it anyway, we cannot exhaust them all here, He is too magnificent.

  • He created the world in six days by word of mouth only- Genesis 1
  • He somehow allowed all animals in the world(a pair of each) and humans to live together in an ark without any kind of incident like a lion eating a gazelle, or a snake biting Noah’s wife, I mean where did they all go to the bathroom? The more silly questions I have about this, the more my eyes are opened to how amazing God is (don’t you agree?)- Genesis 7.
  • He parted the waters so that His people could pass through safely- Exodus:21-29, Joshua 3.
  • Through Him, a 90-year-old woman and a 100-year-old man were able to conceive, get pregnant, and give birth to the son they were promised- Genesis 21, Hebrews 11:11-12.
  • A young boy who fought in the name of the Lord was able to kill a giant- 1 Samuel 17.
  • He gave life to dry bones- Ezekiel 37:1-14.

And best of all, because He loved us first, and chose us before we could choose Him, He never hesitated to put everything on the line for us by exposing Himself to the worst thing by sending His Son, His only Son to die for us so that we may be reconciled to Him. That Father, who loves us so unconditionally with a love that we will never deserve is the one in charge of this journey. So get excited with me friend, throw your fears into the wind, and let us experience the touch of Heaven together.

Please leave a comment down below and also, let me know some of the ‘silly’ questions that come up when you read about the story of the ark.

Thank you for being here and I will see you soon!

A beautiful song:

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